Simple Way to Mac Trash Recovery Step by Step

A file that has been sent to the Trash Can no longer has a place of reference on the hard drive. What this means is that the computer is no longer able to locate that particular file. Therefore, the file’s original location on the hard drive now becomes available to be overwritten with new data or a new file.

simple Mac trash recovery
There are many Mac trash recovery software available on the market.

When a file is deleted accidentally or deliberately, the first place that the deleted file goes is the Trash Can. Fortunately, the Trash Can is not the permanent end for deleted files because these files may be recovered later by following some simple Mac trash recovery steps. Here are the steps:

1. Double-click on the Trash Can icon to open it.
2. Right-click on the file that you would like to restore.
3. Select “Put Back” from the menu.

Another way to do this is to open the Trash Can, select the file in question, then drag it from the Trash Can onto the desktop or to any other location to open it. It is important to note that both of these methods work only if the Trash Can has not been emptied. Once the Trash Can has been emptied then a Mac files recovery software will have to be utilized.

There are many Mac trash recovery software available on the market. However, the one that is recommended is the MacKeeper. This user-friendly software works thoroughly to recover files from the Trash Can even if considerable time has elapsed between deletion and recovery. However, it should be noted that if new data has been overwritten in the location of the deleted file, then there is a possibility that a Mac data recovery software might not be able to restore the deleted file.

In trying to recover the deleted file, the uFlysoft software first does a deep scan of the computer, iPhone, or whatever hard drive it is being utilized for. It then presents all the recovered files in a format that is easy to navigate through. Once you have identified the deleted file from the list, simply double-click on it to open.

No matter which brand of Mac trash recovery software is used, recovered files may no longer have their original file names, but do not despair. The uFlysoft software is designed to extract important keywords from each recovered file and used them as identifiers. This makes searching so much easier.

If you have never used a hard drive recovery software before, it is important to note that recovered files are never stored on the same device from which they have been recovered. Therefore, a flash drive or other memory storage unit will be needed to store the recovered files. It is done this way to prevent accidental overwriting of the very files you are trying to save.

Another note of caution is the fact that as soon as you realize that an important file has been deleted, then stop using the device or computer immediately to prevent overwriting of data.

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